Boot rear panel and battery access door made and fitted in place.

 Rear boot panel is made up from house floor boards I bought at Bunnings. These boards are made from a plastic type of material that click together nicely. This makes for a strong panel that is easily cut out too shape, including the access square door hole.
 Access door frame screwed in place. This plastic access door is the same access door you would find on some caravans, which are attached to the outside wall for storage access. The plastic access door frame and rear board panelling is sealed by using adhesive backed rubber stripping to give it a dust and grime free seal.

 After painting the door a silver grey color and adding another snake, I attached the door onto its frame.

The access door works well, allowing easy access to the battery.
The toggle switch on the top right is for the boot light I wired in while I was focused on the boot area.

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